Join Our Patient and Family Advisory Council
Have you ever thought when you or a family member visited LFMC, there were things that could be done better? Have you had ideas about how to make sure other patients and families get the best care possible?
We are looking for patient and family advisors to give us feedback and ideas to help improve the patient experience and quality of care.
Patient and family advisors provide a voice that advocates for providing health care services centered on patient- and family-identified needs, rather than assumptions of what patients and families want.
A patient and family advisor:
Helps improve the patient experience and quality of care provided
Gives feedback based on his or her own experiences as a patient or family member
Works with the clinical team on short- or long-term projects
Discusses what resources or programs could be offered to patients to help them self-manage their conditions
Reviews or helps create educational or informational materials from a patient perspective to help make it easier for all patients and family members to understand and use
Volunteers their time (usually for up to one to four hours per month)

Who can be a Patient and Family Advisor?
Anyone can be an advisor, no special qualifications are needed. What’s most important is your or your family member’s experience as a patient of Lincoln Family Medicine Center.
Is being a Patient and Family Advisor right for you?
You may be a good match with your skills and experiences if you are able to:
Speak up and share suggestions and potential solutions to improve care for others
Talk about your experiences as a patient or family member – but also think beyond your own personal experiences
Talk about both positive and negative care experiences and share your thoughts on what went well or how things could have been done differently
Work with people who may be different from you
Listen to and think about what others say, even when you disagree
Bring a positive attitude to discussions
Keep any information you may hear private and confidential

Learn More and Apply
For more information about being a patient and family advisor, including how to apply, contact Kelly Madcharo at
(402) 327-6851 or download and submit an application.
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Submit your application by email (preferred method), fax or mail to:
Kelly Madcharo
Lincoln Medical Education Partnership
4600 Valley Road
Lincoln, NE 68510
fx: (402) 483-2882