Check-in on your device before your appointment or when you arrive.
Receive a secure text message or email confirmation. Make sure we have your current phone number or email on file or call 402-483-4571 to update your information.

What’s New
Our patient-centered Medical Home program focuses on the relationship between you and your primary care team.
What to Bring
We want you to be prepared and receive the best care by bringing important personal and medical information. See our list of what to bring to your appointment.

Information for New Patients
If this is your first time scheduling an appointment with us, please request that we email or mail any new patient forms so you can fill them out in advance.

Patient Portal
Our interactive patient portal allows you and your family a secure way to easily access and manage your health information online such as:
Medical Team
As the primary education site for the training of residents at the Lincoln Family Medicine Residency Program, we are able to offer our patients cutting-edge medical care from physicians that have recently graduated from prestigious medical schools from around the U.S.

Obstetrics Resources
If you are expecting, The Market is a unique program exclusively for moms who choose to have their obstetric care at Lincoln Family Medicine. The Market provides free diapers at scheduled prenatal visits, starting at 28 weeks, and throughout your baby's first year of well-child visits. Moms also receive a tote bag filled with baby items, including blankets and clothing.